Our League

The IPinSTEAM League

The League, assisted by IPinSTEAM social media groups [FB, Twitter] and powered by the resources made accessible through the website, serves as an online active community for facilitating the adoption of the IPinSTEAM products and resources and for sharing knowledge and experiences in the wider area of STEAM education in children and young people. Overall, IPinSTEAM aims to promote Intellectual Property knowledge and its implementation in STEAM subjects, while improving the teaching skills of K-12 teachers in order to facilitate the integration of IP concepts in STEAM teaching.

Request Assistance

You can submit your issues/questions to the IPinSTEAM community using our ticket manager. Log in or register if submitting an issue for the first time. Please follow the instructions on how to fill in all the information and provide as many details as possible. Depending on the nature of the query, specify which area it concerns from the options of Training Content, Gamified Mediator and Website.
We do our best to respond to all issues within 48 hours.

Live Help

To arrange for real time online help for your problem or for assistance during the execution of your IPinSTEAM workshop or practical activity, please create a ticket using the ticket manager at least 5 days before in order to allow adequate time for organising the online help session. Then, at the pre-agreed date and time you will access the Live Help Centre in order to connect to the operator who will assist you.

Community Experts

Use the contact form on the Contact page to contact us and based on your message one of the experts of the IPinSTEAM community will contact you.

Joining the Community

Register on the IPinSTEAM forum to have access to the collective wisdom of the online community of the project.
Become an active member and help others with the training programme.

Stay with us

Keep up to date by following us on the social media and make sure to inform the community of your experiences with the IPinSTEAM resources and tools.
Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive first all the latest updates of our project.